LOVE BEYOND - Date Night Affair!


Fri 21st February , 2025

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

36 EDR Bar & Lounge, Belle Smythe Street, Ariapita Avenue, Port of Spain, Trinidad.


LOVE BEYOND: presented by VICE Nightlife (@vicenightlifett

Step into a world of mystery, attraction, and indulgence at LOVE BEYOND, an exclusive Masquerade Date Night affair featuring: Pop the Balloon or Find Love, Speed Dating & Networking, Erotic Striptease Performance and After Party! 

Date: Friday, February 21, 2025

Time: 8:00PM 

Venue: 36 EDR Bar & Lounge, Belle Smythe Street, Ariapita Avenue, Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Dress Code: Sensual & Chic - Casual Attire. You are also welcomed to wear a Masquerade Mask. 


Singles: $100 | Couples: $150 TTD 

Open to all sexual preferences! 

Guests will select their preference at ticket purchase or upon arrival for a fully inclusive and tailored experience. 

EVENT FORMAT - You can choose your segment to indulge, and you can depart at anytime you wish. 

8:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Masquerade Pop the Balloon or Find Love

A thrilling speed-dating challenge where your balloon gets popped if your partner doesn’t find chemistry. Stay in the game, and you’ll get a chance to unmask and reveal your match.

10:00 PM – 11:00 PM: Speed Dating or Speed Networking

Speed Dating: Explore real chemistry with like minded pleasure seekers in quick, intimate rounds. Speed Networking: Connect with like minded professionals and socialites.

11:00 PM – VICE Playboy x VICE Doll Striptease Performance 

An unforgettable show of passion, tease, and indulgence.


At VICE CITY, we prioritize a safe, judgment-free space where guests explore freely with consent, discretion, and respect, ensuring ultimate comfort and security. All guests are required to sign our NDA's (Non-Disclosure Agreement). 


For Reservations, and inquiries DM (@vicenightlifett) or Whatsapp VICE Admin via Whatsapp Chat: