EDGE: The Leadership Series

by Edge Leadership

Mon 30th September , 2024

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Hyatt Regency, Trinidad


The Edge Leadership masterclass with world-renowned speaker Vusi Thembekwayo will engage Caribbean business leaders, entrepreneurs, SMEs and professionals in two important conversations: Leading at the Edge of Chaos and The Future of Finance.

The Edge Leadership series will: 

Create a common meeting ground for the key players in business — from major conglomerates and policy makers, to SMEs.

Facilitate valuable connections and knowledge transfer among minds from across the business spectrum.

Challenge the idea that big business and SMEs must speak different languages — ultimately creating an uncommon space where they connect, cooperate, integrate, understand each other’s unique needs and generate innovative solutions.

For more information or assistance with purchasing event passes, please contact us at 868-474-5483 or email info@edgeleadership.com.