Carnival Island

by BessLime Experience

Sun 19th February , 2023

2:00 PM - 7:00 PM



Carnival Island- The Return!!!

DDI Cooler Cruise

The return to Vibes!

The return to Sunday Funday!

The Return to DDI!

On Carnival Sunday experience the iconic event that sets your carnival right. The ultimate DDI Cooler Cruise returns. 

  • Sunday February 19th 
  • Sailing 2pm Returning 7pm
  • Cooler Cruise 
  • Tickets $50us (Early Birds)
  • Cooler Packages Available**

Gather your friends & crew as we return to Trinidad Carnival. 

** Don’t want the hassle of packing a cooler, purchase our cooler package & collect at the event**

#BessLime #CarnivalIsland #thereturn #ddi #cooler #cruise #sundayfunday #vibes #soca #carnival2023